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Friday, June 24, 2022

"The Do-Over" Spiral of Women's Rights to Privacy & Healthcare

"Eve" Escalera after Rubens, Oil (2007)

In light of Roe v. Wade being overturned today 6/24/2022 - and having fought for it as a young teen in 1969, I feel compelled to share my story. Knowing that a woman's right to autonomy over her body was critical even then, I am appalled at the retraction of civil rights in this country.

I couldn’t tell my friends or family ever. But I can tell you, that I went through this alone. Not once, but three times - as forced by our puritanical, patriarchal -- ideological culture.

The first one: In my mid-30s (early1990s), I was a single mother of a wonderful - and very much planned-for 8-year-old son. I was dating a nice enough guy and got pregnant. He did not want the “attachments” of the baby. With no health care, having just started my own business, abortion was the most responsible thing for me to do. He thought it seemed reasonable to offer payment towards half of the abortion service—$200. (it seems like he had done this before!) With a friend’s help, I went to the local clinic on a Friday, and life went back to normal on Monday.

The second one: I was 38, caring for my dying mother, working full time, bringing up my son, and engaged to my future husband – with whom I became pregnant. Life was so impossibly difficult. I was told I would miscarry in a few months—about the same time my mother would likely die of her cancer. My fiancĂ© was starting service with the USMC; he could only focus on the training demands and not on a baby. He would not be home with his deployment and training to help. Who would take care of my mother and son, who would run my home while I was having a difficult pregnancy… or in the hospital miscarrying? I decided on early termination. The USMC forbade him from coming home to help me because we weren’t yet married. So, I had to go it alone. I had to hurry because mom’s needs were becoming greater, my son would be going back to school, and I was now 6 weeks pregnant. Very soon it would be a bigger problem than a minor vacuum extraction.

I went back to the same clinic, humiliated. Looking around the room I saw all types of marginalized women—mostly women of color. A spackling of guys. Where were their friends and family? I realized abortion is such a lonely and secretive act. You must do it alone, in a place that is itself isolated and creepy. Cold fluorescent lights. Cold instruments. Cold surroundings. After the procedure was over, I was sedated and waited hours to be picked up. Eventually, I called my fiancĂ© as the clinic was closing - I cannot remember because I was so drugged. I remember the office emptying, the lights were turned off, and I was just left alone on the back porch of the clinic sitting under a sole light, drained, scared, fading in and out of consciousness as the night dragged on. A few hours later, around midnight, a USMC young man, a stranger, came to drive me home. Post-surgery damaged, in another world (could I be even more humiliated sitting next to a total stranger) I remember getting home, thanking him for the ride, crawling into the safety of my bed, grateful to be home. and have it all be over. Monday morning, life went on. Two months later, I married my husband in a private ceremony just so he could come home for the funeral, the day before my mom passed. I managed that very difficult time for my family—with dignity. I had made the right choice.

The third time: By the time I was 42, we were a military family with health care. I was using three forms of contraception: a diaphragm (note: your diaphragm must be refitted periodically, but who knew!), a condom (note: free government condoms break), and spermicide (note: you gotta use a lot!). They all failed. Just so you know, this can happen—to anyone. When I found myself pregnant, I decided it was my last chance and wanted the baby. But, my husband did not. By that point, he still lacked maturity, was having anger management issues (diagnosed a decade later with PTSD, TBI, and late-onset schizophrenia). I do not remember anything about the abortion, itself, only that I had one. A few years later my husband descended into turmoil, substance abuse, and abandoned the marriage. 

I was lucky that abortions were legal. Otherwise, my life—and the lives of those around me—would have been ruined without the ability to steer the right course. 

I want to tell you another story about my friend "LM"  (who turned 95 in 2022!) I have known LM since I was 21. This past year I asked LM about her feelings regarding an adult daughter I knew she had about my age and wanted to know if the daughter was still alive and if there were termination considerations.  LM was denied an abortion because they were illegal in the 1950s. She almost died. The daughter she bore has lived her life in an institutional vegetable. 

These are LMs  words:

I had wanted so much to be pregnant  and in 1955 I was….except that I kept spotting. My doctor said based on the level of bleeding, I would probably miscarry at about 8-12 weeks. The spotting continued. At three months, the doctor felt I was still pregnant because my uterus was larger than usual. My doctor had asked the hospital to terminate the pregnancy at 12 weeks because he could only see trouble ahead. He was in tears when he told me he could not perform an abortion without losing his license, but said he would see me through it however it ended. Not until 4.5 months could he detect something like a sporadic heartbeat. A couple of months later, he still heard a heartbeat but again warned me I would miscarry because the baby wasn’t growing. After that, I had several hemorrhages, and at 7 months I was finally on complete bed rest. Faulty fetus heartbeat. He again asked permission to end the pregnancy from some council, but it was not granted because I had had a normal pregnancy and delivery with my son previously, so there was no precedence!

At 7 1/2 months, I was rushed to the hospital, for hemorrhaging (Catholic St. John was the closest). My doctor wanted to do a c-section right then, to save me. They would not allow it because there was a baby heartbeat, however weak, and the baby might die during the procedure. Baby life came first apparently, so I was sent home…because I wasn’t in labor! Just bleeding! Three days later I was back in the hospital, hemorrhaging again. This time the Doctor had to wait, (while I continued to hemorrhage) until they couldn’t hear the baby’s heartbeat. Then finally they figured they’d better save me…But the Catholic doctor on the midnight shift said, "No, in case the baby is alive, let things run their course.” So, we waited for the next shift, and that doctor finally allowed the c-section. I don’t remember anything about it. But it turned out there was indeed a very faint heartbeat. We found out I had a condition in which the placenta is stretched across the cervix, and it tore every time I stood up, walked, sat down, sneezed, or peed. Later, the pressure of the baby (all 3 lbs., 13 oz. of her) added to the problem. Hence the bedrest. If only they had had ultra-sound! If only they’d had taken care of it at 6 weeks as my doctor had wanted to do! 

When I recovered two days later, they told me I had a baby girl. Legally blind and deaf, unable to comprehend anything, and needing 24/7 support.

She lived in a state hospital and became a ward of the state. When California shut down its “institutions,” anyone who was considered “educable” (capable of some degree of learning) was simply returned to family members. But she wasn’t considered educable and was considered likely to harm herself or others (she used to bite) so she was sent to places with the necessary equipment and 24/7 staff. 

The Roe v. Wade decision was in 1973, too late to help me with my daughter, who is still living as a vacant shell of a person. She will be turning sixty-seven this year. She will probably outlive me. My son, hopefully, will be considered my replacement, but technically, she is a ward of the state. I hope he just lets “things take their course” (like that doctor said). Ever since that experience I have firmly supported Planned Parenthood, and rage at the fact that just about every abortion discussion is led by men! What the hell do they know about it?”

LM and I are sacrificing our privacy so that others might understand: the importance of our experiences as women who have reproductive issues needing protection! I pushed hard for the doctors to hurry my procedure. But I am an educated, privileged white woman who is very resourceful! I feel very badly for all the reproductive women who may need privacy and care—as some of our states today neglect women's health needs; while lives once again are turned upside down; once again will be going through this humiliation in isolation; while once again - men are “relieved” of their responsibilities can continue living their lives without interruption. Most women talk about their abortion experiences from their sole perspectives. Where are the men in this experience, the husbands, brothers, fathers, and male friends? LM was married, and I was too. Most women experience this trauma unsupported financially and/or emotionally---having to get themselves out of pregnancies they did not “alone” get themselves into! We tell the stories of endurance being very "alone" experiences. 

Are we now about to violate a woman’s inalienable right to privacy and healthcare once again? In effect, recodifying an inhumane past -- telling the women of today that the sanctity of their decisions and ensuring their health, no longer matters? 

"Eve" Escalera after Rubens (2007)
Self Portrait Oil on Canvas 2022

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Days of Auld Lang Syne; End of Year Commentary. (2016)

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne?
 – Thomson 1799

At year close I ponder and wonder at my life gone by, my current existence and the one on the horizon. I am blessed with 58 years behind me and life of Art, work, love, accomplishments, and all the headache and struggles that went along with that. With love comes loss, with life comes death, with stability will come change, with aging will come acceptance. 

Winter brings the cold dark nights and short days.

So much dreaming and fantasy of the holiday season. As another year draws to a close it is fitting to mull over hopes left on the sidelines and successful undertakings fulfilled. In the sum of the year I find no concrete answer to the question pondered for years: what “exactly” am I supposed to be doing with my life? 

If someone looks from the outside they can probably see. But they only see a small part. I have probably changed in my Art career four times and not even been aware. I go where the winds and Art take me. Never the best and never the worst; I plod along wondering if I am fulfilling my destiny to the best of my abilities...and also questioning if there are things holding me back; and are the things holding me back... just part of “life” itself?

When I really think deeply about it, I see that I am not in control... that the Universe has put me where the Universe has planned. It has carved my path as a designer, a street Artist, an activist, mother, caregiver, and also given me the character and “tone” which others (and myself) do not always like - but IS my internal fabric. At my core it is this fabric which has had the strength to endure when confronting major obstacles along my way. 

As this year draws to a close, I’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet, for acquaintance be forgot; I’ll raise my cup – and you raise yours, and we’ll toast to auld lang syne (days gone by). Cheers! – Escalera 2015

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Political Season 2012 - A Morning Musing.....

I think it is really important to understand that each of us lives in different "states" of existence. In California most of our important manufacturing jobs left by the 1990's due to the heavy burdens of taxations. Lowering taxes in 1981 (GANS Prop/Reaganomics) did NOT help its citizens. Nor did it do anything to help business remain manufacturing in California. It made mentally ill homeless, AND it did not improve spending. The only solution would have been for business to pony up, cut profits, maintain employee benefits, and stay. Tax INCENTIVES should have been in put in place - but not lowered. Government and business should have worked hand in hand for the benefit of all. The "people" need help to sustain and maintain independents in society. They ALWAYS have. We do not survive well WITHOUT interdependency. Look for yourself - look at history - it has never been any other way. "No man is an island." - John Donne. Now CA sits on the brink of bankruptcy as a state. Education is a mess. 2,000,000 Angelenos live in poverty and there is still no manufacturing. I want to point this out because CA is a large state with a huge diversity in population and demands. It can never be really conservative BECAUSE of the diversity. It HAD a HUGE middle class that is now failing because unemployment. Huge amounts of cheap outsourced goods are outsourced. (ever try to buy something MADE in CA?!) Only the distributors are located here now. Other states, where I travel are "stratisfied" (distinct classes still in place between rich and poor.) CA had this strong middle class once upon a time that surpassed most other states and was very attractive. Not only the weather caused people to "go west." They came for economic opportunity and the prosperity that was offered. Now healthcare is a mess, and WE really need reform desperately. Californian's ARE looking to the government to bring business back, underwrite health care "ensurances" and more. You don't think business is going to come back on its own do you? Don't make a mistake in thinking people are lazy at their hearts. They just see no way out, and are now hanging on to whatever is offered because they are pessimistic about the future. So - if you don't think it should come from the government....and you don't think it should come through business through the form of taxation....and think its people have no resources left to contribute....then REALLY? what you have left is simply a dog eat dog mentality where it becomes survival of the fittest....We revert to the days of Serfdom and the Feudal Ages. If we have anything to learn over the past post WW2 generations is that turning our back on ethical & moral behavior in business,and the need to make EVERYONE accountable towards common economic goals - instead of a "I'm in this for myself future" would have made us better off today. If you can't see the corruption in Capitalism, look at these two things - the arbitrary relief given to business and not to the people of America. My investments in the stock market are taxed at a low rate. Why is that? The stock market is really not as much a place for me to invest in business and ideas (because the best businesses and ideas in which I've invested have been taken bankrupt) but rather its a "speculation game." All the investment options are gambling games. So why isn't it taxed more? Take a look at business losses....I can carry them forward for THREE YEARS. God, please tell my why I can't carry my $40,000 hip surgery/Dental expense for three years?! Why do I only get THIS year. Remember the days when banks gave 18% on your interest?! I think the year was 1981. Now what do I get.... POINT "0" "1" percent? Really? Yet the banks are CHARGING 25% when we borrow. Tell, me please, what KIND of economics is that?! It is the banks making sure they "get theirs" no matter WHAT is happening to the little guy. The fees they charge and the rackets they establish to take your money is pathetic. So tell me...do you think business has a conscious? IF you believe that "corporations ARE people" where is their conscious?! Where is their ability to share in the devastation wiping out the backbone of this country - the middle class! It IS really time for us to stop the insidious politicking - the HATEFUL and untrue, more over RIDICULOUS-insulting-to our-intelligence advertising. It is time for us to work across the isle to put Americans back to work. To ask business to provide benefits that leverage stability among those who WANT TO WORK and ask government to tax INCENTIVES not REDUCTIONS. And for REFORMS. Whether it be health or social security. DEMAND this of your elected officials. Stop allowing them to be bullied by lobbyists and stop allowing them to ignore their constituency - THE PEOPLE of their districts. And for God sakes, please stop buying cheap foreign outsourced goods. Buy American. Start a business and employ Americans. It really begins with you. It is YOU that really has the power. USE IT.

Monday, June 27, 2011

"A New Way of Seeing" is overrated.

I keep hearing that it is very important to demonstrate a “New Way of Seeing” in one’s art to be relevant. I would take that issue to task. That is simply NOT how historically movements in art have been written. Yes, somebody does create an important break from the status quo, but then, other artists must recognize that value and subscribe to that vision, and create the “movement.” For example, Cezanne was considered the “Father of Modern Art” (and a few other things) so that means that HE was the one credited with breaking away from the status quo, and everyone else (his cronies) went along with the idea. THEY did not create the new way of seeing....only HE did. And they followed in tow. I think, for the bulk of us artists, if we attach ourselves to a contemporary movement - that would be sufficient. And if you do something entirely renegade? Chances are you will be considered just that - renegade - and lost in time.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Revising History

I thought we were liberated. I thought this was The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? REALLY?
How is it that it looks more like we are mind controlled and cowards in 2011 when we are driven to perform acts of censorship on great pieces of literature? I am referring to the "N" word from Mark Twain's great work Huckleberry Finn. I am disappointed that we are not up in arms over something so revolting as a rewriting to a American Literature.

It is appalling that the word "Nigger" - I am not going to whitewash this, (no pun intended) is being replaced with the word "slave." I am dumbfounded that artists and writers - of all walks, are not outraged that a historic piece of literature is being REVISED to be made "APPROPRIATE."

What is next? Putting clothes on Botticelli's Venus for school kids? Removing curriculum of World War ll Jews from having been gassed at Auschwitz? Pretending Indigenous Americans weren't killed in genocide by the Spaniards and Americans? Being in denial that Slavery didn't exist at all?! Why are we burying that which brings discussion? We are opening the door to removing the unpalatable and suppressing the distasteful....in other words, CENSORSHIP.

What is the justification to rewrite Mark Twain? Is it that the word is too harsh a term? That children shouldn't "hear" or "see" or "read" or "understand" the degradation of African Americans and how violent and cruel is our history as Americans? Is it to remove a modicum of guilt existing today? Is it so children won't be made aware that an awful blemish existed in our gene pool? Is it because we are embarrassed?

There is no good excuse to ever rewrite the literature as it was written; to pretend it is something else. A quotation comes to mind: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' (George Santayana, 1905)

If the material is not age appropriate in its original form than DON'T MAKE CHILDREN READ UNTIL IT IS. It is that simple. Give them other literature. But don't rewrite Mark Twain to suit political agendas. This is censorship in a hideous disguise.

In the end, I shake my head. Age inappropriate? Are these the same kids that are playing violent, sexual, edgy video games, exposed to everything on the internet and T.V. (which I sometimes close my eyes because it is so explicit!) When South Park could say "shit" on TV and cable could use the "F" word, as a culture - we "got over it." Children are streetwise at young ages today. What can possibly be wrong about teaching children about the revolting parts of our past and providing them with some truth? When is a lie appropriate?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tolerance (or "Intolerance?")

I went to bed last night entirely disturbed at the growing intolerance in the USA. I grew up during a period of intense civil rights action. I literally watched Watts burn. I watched segregation, desegregation, gender inequality in my work place, anti-semitism, communist nuclear fear, volumes of bigotry, fear and hatred of OTHERS. From the time I was a little girl, I ALWAYS hated this.

I volunteered for peace making; between my parents when they fought, at school when there were civil rights action committees, and on the internet when I see wicked posts in the guise of PATRIOTISM. I BARF and then comment.
Dear God, what is wrong with people?

The answer to that is FEAR.

Just when the world has become a truly WONDERFUL place for some of us who can travel to communist countries, FRIEND people to whose countries we can't travel to, but can learn about; a HUGE seemingly insurmountable challenge of HATRED and FEAR has presented itself. Obama being called a Marxist? (people go read the works of those radicals that ain't Obama), fear of a house of worship being built in the USA for a religion being libeled with bigotry and mistrust? Whites still live in fear of blacks, Christians still dislike Jews (with the exception that they seem to unite to thwart Islam - the new kid on the block) and everyone wants to conspire for invented conspiracy ideas against their government! (people: take a good humanities class to clear up your lack of understanding on European History).

The single common element is FEAR. Why do we always have to come to the party dressed in a costume of fear? What is wrong with coming to the party dressed in an outfit of REASON, EDUCATION, PATIENCE AND TOLERANCE?

It takes so much energy to live in hate and fear....of ourselves. If one travels to places of other cultures, one understands that all of humanity is basically the same, the fringe is radical, and governmental institutions are in the business of fear mongering and power grabbing. But the masses - are generally just looking to get through life's daily challenges, survive and create a sense of community and welfare. But, when the masses lose their focus and their tolerance, they are waylaid into a world of destruction, loss of balance, hate, degradation of welfare, mistrust and less than productive living. We are only increasing our burdens by living in a world of fear and hate.

I offer these truisms: "Love thy fellowman," "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "he ain't heavy, he's my brother (The Hollies)," and "let it begin with me."

I am reminded of these words in salutation,
"Peace Brother"

Enjoy a day filled with LOVE not hate, it will dispel your fear.