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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tolerance (or "Intolerance?")

I went to bed last night entirely disturbed at the growing intolerance in the USA. I grew up during a period of intense civil rights action. I literally watched Watts burn. I watched segregation, desegregation, gender inequality in my work place, anti-semitism, communist nuclear fear, volumes of bigotry, fear and hatred of OTHERS. From the time I was a little girl, I ALWAYS hated this.

I volunteered for peace making; between my parents when they fought, at school when there were civil rights action committees, and on the internet when I see wicked posts in the guise of PATRIOTISM. I BARF and then comment.
Dear God, what is wrong with people?

The answer to that is FEAR.

Just when the world has become a truly WONDERFUL place for some of us who can travel to communist countries, FRIEND people to whose countries we can't travel to, but can learn about; a HUGE seemingly insurmountable challenge of HATRED and FEAR has presented itself. Obama being called a Marxist? (people go read the works of those radicals that ain't Obama), fear of a house of worship being built in the USA for a religion being libeled with bigotry and mistrust? Whites still live in fear of blacks, Christians still dislike Jews (with the exception that they seem to unite to thwart Islam - the new kid on the block) and everyone wants to conspire for invented conspiracy ideas against their government! (people: take a good humanities class to clear up your lack of understanding on European History).

The single common element is FEAR. Why do we always have to come to the party dressed in a costume of fear? What is wrong with coming to the party dressed in an outfit of REASON, EDUCATION, PATIENCE AND TOLERANCE?

It takes so much energy to live in hate and fear....of ourselves. If one travels to places of other cultures, one understands that all of humanity is basically the same, the fringe is radical, and governmental institutions are in the business of fear mongering and power grabbing. But the masses - are generally just looking to get through life's daily challenges, survive and create a sense of community and welfare. But, when the masses lose their focus and their tolerance, they are waylaid into a world of destruction, loss of balance, hate, degradation of welfare, mistrust and less than productive living. We are only increasing our burdens by living in a world of fear and hate.

I offer these truisms: "Love thy fellowman," "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "he ain't heavy, he's my brother (The Hollies)," and "let it begin with me."

I am reminded of these words in salutation,
"Peace Brother"

Enjoy a day filled with LOVE not hate, it will dispel your fear.