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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Political Season 2012 - A Morning Musing.....

I think it is really important to understand that each of us lives in different "states" of existence. In California most of our important manufacturing jobs left by the 1990's due to the heavy burdens of taxations. Lowering taxes in 1981 (GANS Prop/Reaganomics) did NOT help its citizens. Nor did it do anything to help business remain manufacturing in California. It made mentally ill homeless, AND it did not improve spending. The only solution would have been for business to pony up, cut profits, maintain employee benefits, and stay. Tax INCENTIVES should have been in put in place - but not lowered. Government and business should have worked hand in hand for the benefit of all. The "people" need help to sustain and maintain independents in society. They ALWAYS have. We do not survive well WITHOUT interdependency. Look for yourself - look at history - it has never been any other way. "No man is an island." - John Donne. Now CA sits on the brink of bankruptcy as a state. Education is a mess. 2,000,000 Angelenos live in poverty and there is still no manufacturing. I want to point this out because CA is a large state with a huge diversity in population and demands. It can never be really conservative BECAUSE of the diversity. It HAD a HUGE middle class that is now failing because unemployment. Huge amounts of cheap outsourced goods are outsourced. (ever try to buy something MADE in CA?!) Only the distributors are located here now. Other states, where I travel are "stratisfied" (distinct classes still in place between rich and poor.) CA had this strong middle class once upon a time that surpassed most other states and was very attractive. Not only the weather caused people to "go west." They came for economic opportunity and the prosperity that was offered. Now healthcare is a mess, and WE really need reform desperately. Californian's ARE looking to the government to bring business back, underwrite health care "ensurances" and more. You don't think business is going to come back on its own do you? Don't make a mistake in thinking people are lazy at their hearts. They just see no way out, and are now hanging on to whatever is offered because they are pessimistic about the future. So - if you don't think it should come from the government....and you don't think it should come through business through the form of taxation....and think its people have no resources left to contribute....then REALLY? what you have left is simply a dog eat dog mentality where it becomes survival of the fittest....We revert to the days of Serfdom and the Feudal Ages. If we have anything to learn over the past post WW2 generations is that turning our back on ethical & moral behavior in business,and the need to make EVERYONE accountable towards common economic goals - instead of a "I'm in this for myself future" would have made us better off today. If you can't see the corruption in Capitalism, look at these two things - the arbitrary relief given to business and not to the people of America. My investments in the stock market are taxed at a low rate. Why is that? The stock market is really not as much a place for me to invest in business and ideas (because the best businesses and ideas in which I've invested have been taken bankrupt) but rather its a "speculation game." All the investment options are gambling games. So why isn't it taxed more? Take a look at business losses....I can carry them forward for THREE YEARS. God, please tell my why I can't carry my $40,000 hip surgery/Dental expense for three years?! Why do I only get THIS year. Remember the days when banks gave 18% on your interest?! I think the year was 1981. Now what do I get.... POINT "0" "1" percent? Really? Yet the banks are CHARGING 25% when we borrow. Tell, me please, what KIND of economics is that?! It is the banks making sure they "get theirs" no matter WHAT is happening to the little guy. The fees they charge and the rackets they establish to take your money is pathetic. So tell me...do you think business has a conscious? IF you believe that "corporations ARE people" where is their conscious?! Where is their ability to share in the devastation wiping out the backbone of this country - the middle class! It IS really time for us to stop the insidious politicking - the HATEFUL and untrue, more over RIDICULOUS-insulting-to our-intelligence advertising. It is time for us to work across the isle to put Americans back to work. To ask business to provide benefits that leverage stability among those who WANT TO WORK and ask government to tax INCENTIVES not REDUCTIONS. And for REFORMS. Whether it be health or social security. DEMAND this of your elected officials. Stop allowing them to be bullied by lobbyists and stop allowing them to ignore their constituency - THE PEOPLE of their districts. And for God sakes, please stop buying cheap foreign outsourced goods. Buy American. Start a business and employ Americans. It really begins with you. It is YOU that really has the power. USE IT.

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