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Friday, December 25, 2009

Blogging on Christmas...

I’ve often wondered if I have “no life” or “too much life.” When someone told me once to “get a life” I freaked. I thought I had one!

A life that was always full of too much! ....and at other times, not enough. I was contemplating this holiday season....too much or too quiet? I write on Christmas Day....all alone. But, certainly, not lonely. It’s really a choice we make. I can’t be busy 24/7 nor should I be. My holiday season has been so full, yet now, so quiet....

My son called me from DisneyLand on Xmas Eve. At that moment I realized that me and the dog,, sitting at home with our fake tree, waiting for “It’s a Wonderful Life” to air ...well, we are just boring. (okay, “me,” the dog doesn’t care.) And, I wondered “too much life, or no life,” for the millionth time. How is it I am looking forward to updating my website and filing my annual sales tax quietly Christmas morning?!

So, I looked back over the years and realized how magical times have been; how magical the season has been this year even in the worst of economic times, and that I have been blessed -it’s been a full life. I guess the point is: being “satisfied.” I am sublimely satisfied today. I hope whatever you are doing you are happy, too!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Like Eve Taking the Apple...

No wonder it was a sin to eat the fruit of Web 2.0 knowledge. God knew that it would keep me from cleaning my house and moving from my computer. Is this a sin? And am I going to digest the apple? That little devil in the tree knew what he was doing by offering me the temptation of knowledge. I have to tell you it is a dangerous thing! The danger of losing focus. The danger of getting lost in distraction. The danger of deconstructing.

Is there a place where deconstruction eventually meets up with construction? Am I falling down a hole that has an eventual bottom? OR, am I simply, entering a new dimension of possibilities? Have I left the garden of Eden for a land of all possibilities? It was nice: Eden was a nice place. But, I am here now. I ate the Apple of Web 2.0 and I’ve left Eden. And it’s a little scary!

(The painting is “Eve” after Titian/ Rubens and is available for purchase.)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Paradigm Shift 2.0

Yep. That’s me on the surfboard... NOT. But it’s a great iconoclastic image to represent my thrust forward and this Blog’s orientation. The image is elemental.

I just attended a life altering “Internet for Artists” program sponsored by Creative Capital and The City of San Diego Art Commission. The point is...(I know you are short on time) is our paradigm of web “usefulness” has changed. I’ve been a web user since the mid 1990’s when everything went one way - UP. And, then it went “back and forth.” The Y coordinate birthed the X Y coordinates and now we are finding ourselves in an XY and Z, dimensional, Cartesian system. Gone are the days when I store my isolated life in seclusion on my hard drive. Now the purview is an interactive, always “on,” always changing, always in motion, energized system of creativity, rushing towards our evolution. I am so excited to think that you and I can join forces, and in turn create something larger than our individual selves, and in turn reach out exponentially over the repository of human consciousness empowering ourselves to effect change. Change that will span social welfare (yes, SOCIAL welfare), art, health, environment and spirit.

Tell me....are you IN for the journey?