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Monday, February 8, 2010

A Conversation with my Son...

I'm a painter...so I should know when something looks good or doesn't. But, sometimes I am the worst judge of my own work because I fall in love with the act of painting, and the work itself is not very good.

I asked my son if he thought I was a talented artist. He said I was, but if I really wanted to find out what people thought I should put my work on the web to strangers...because people that are close to me won't tell me the truth. This contradicts how I behave. I can tell the truth to the people to whom I am closest, and I would not be able to tell the truth to strangers. I am concerned about alienation. It was very interesting how our views differ (and our insecurities) on what we perceive hurts another person, and under what circumstance we withhold the truth.

My son indicated that there are a culture of people on the computer whose mission it is to judge (criticize) what other people construct. I thought about whether a "consensus" of opinion could be important....maybe not...once people agreed that the earth was flat and woman were witches. Why ask people who don't paint? ...and even the one's that do, may have different opinions.

And you know what is said about opinions....

I guess it is best to learn to paint for oneself and be happy in that form of self expression for nothing more than personal reasons that don't need justification from any external source. This is a new concept for me.

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